The Earth

The Earth
The Earth where we live in.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Science: Current Event #3 Crab Pulsar Beams Most Energetic Gamma Rays Ever Detected from a Pulsar

Title of the Article: Crab Pulsar Beams Most Energetic Gamma Rays Ever Detected from a Pulsar

Author(s) of the Article: The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by Science Daily staff) from materials provided by University of California - Santa Cruz. The original article was written by Tim Stephens.

Source of the Article: Science Daily:

Date that the article was written: October 7th, 2011

Summary of the Article:

            Astrophysics of the University of California-Santa Cruz identified pulsed gamma-ray emission from the Crab pulsar. This article talks about that gamma-ray emissions from the Crab pulsar are far beyond what scientists think they are. Recent studies made by an international group of scientists using a VERITAS telescope array at the Whipple Observatory in Arizona, showed that gamma ray emissions from the Crab Pulsar can reach up to 100 billion electron-volts (GeV).  This was reported to a science magazine called “Science” and the reports were printed in the October 7 edition. Corresponding author of the article Nepomuk Otte said this about the discovery: "It turns out that being persistent and stubborn helps," Otte said. "These results put new constraints on the mechanism for how the gamma-ray emission is generated."


                 This discovery is good for society because now we do not underestimate the gamma-ray emission from the Crab Pulsar. I chose this article because as I said in my previous current events I like space, science and a lot of things that are connected to those two things. I found this article like always; I went to and found this article. Science Daily is a reliable resource because a lot of people use it and because I know this from my previous experiences. I learned that there are a lot of things in the universe and on our planet that scientists and we people underestimate. When I read this article I felt that now people will think before reaching conclusions which underestimate objects and things on our planet and in the universe.


  1. Cool! I wonder what would happen to my hair with all that electricity!

  2. Very well written Ivan! Good job! Why are they so interested in Gamma ray emissions? Are they aimed towards Earth?
