The Earth

The Earth
The Earth where we live in.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Science: Current Event #6: Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless





Title of Article: Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless

Author(s) of the Article: The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Scottish Marine Institute.

Source of the Article: Science Daily:

Date that this Article was written: November 3rd, 2011


Rising temperatures in some parts of the Earth will get some marine species to move but not all of them have another home. An international research team led by Dr. Mike Burrows compared the changes in temperatures from 1960-2009. The research team used the data to see how fast and how much did our climate shift and how quickly do populations of marine and terrestrial species have to relocate if this continues. Dr Burrows explains, “When temperatures rise, plants and animals that need a cooler environment move to new regions.”

This discovery will affect our society positively because now we know that we and other species face the risk of being homeless. I chose this article because I would like to know what can happen in the future to us and to the places where we live in. I found this article on it was one of the headlines. Science Daily is a good resource to get information because lots of people (including me) use it. In this article, I learned that sooner or later our habitat will change and some will probably witness these changes. I felt depressed reading this article because I don’t want any specie to entirely wipe out or become homeless on our planet.

1 comment:

  1. Climate change is something real and it is something that has happened in waves over the time that Earth has existed as a planet. What is causing it exactly is up for discussion. We know that greenhouse gases cause much of the warming and that probably humans and factory output is causing that warming. However, climate changes naturally as well. Hopefully, it won't change too rapidly and many species will be able to adapt...including us.
